Web Server Statistics for Zander Mob

Program started at Sun-24-Mar-2024 04:38.
Analysed requests from Sat-24-Feb-2024 04:29 to Sun-24-Mar-2024 04:23 (29.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Weekly Report | Daily Summary | Domain Report | Organisation Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 24-Mar-2024 04:38.

Successful requests: 39,369 (7,517)
Average successful requests per day: 1,357 (1,073)
Successful requests for pages: 36,182 (7,126)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 1,247 (1,017)
Failed requests: 2,983 (681)
Distinct files requested: 2,468 (2,348)
Distinct hosts served: 2,928 (724)
Data transferred: 101.75 megabytes (15.30 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 3.51 megabytes (2.19 megabytes)

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Weekly Report | Daily Summary | Domain Report | Organisation Report | Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each week.

Each unit (+) represents 400 requests for pages or part thereof.

week beg.reqspages 

Busiest week: week beginning 25/Feb/24 (13,960 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Weekly Report | Daily Summary | Domain Report | Organisation Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 250 requests for pages or part thereof.


Domain Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Weekly Report | Daily Summary | Domain Report | Organisation Report | Request Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

2283856.03%.com (Commercial)
474421.07%[unresolved numerical addresses]
380311.90%.net (Networks)
6974 7.71%[unknown domain]
281 1.79%.au (Australia)
473 0.52%.de (Germany)
41 0.35%.cz (Czech Republic)
70 0.29%.nz (New Zealand)
53 0.07%.in (India)
19 0.06%.ru (Russia)
1 0.03%.no (Norway)
6 0.02%.ca (Canada)
6 0.02%.za (South Africa)
6 0.02%.kz (Kazakhstan)
5 0.02%.se (Sweden)
5 0.02%.fr (France)
5 0.02%.at (Austria)
20 0.02%.ua (Ukraine)
7 0.01%.org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
2 0.01%.io (British Indian Ocean Territory)
1 .br (Brazil)
1 .pl (Poland)
2 .cn (China)
2 .edu (USA Higher Education)
1 .st (Saint Tome and Principe)
1 .ch (Switzerland)
1 .il (Israel)
1 .sh (Saint Helena)

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Weekly Report | Daily Summary | Domain Report | Organisation Report | Request Report)

This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

6975 7.71%[unknown domain]
6052 6.89%ahrefs.com
4429 4.60%semrush.com
2502 8.76%51
2274 2.85%yandex.com
2228 7.54%007ac9.net
2130 2.22%webmeup.com
1824 2.40%hwclouds-dns.com
1437 4.86%googlebot.com
1065 1.76%petalsearch.com
714 7.21%216.244
537 0.97%sogou.com
477 0.60%154.6
373 1.97%hosted-by-worldstream.net
305 0.36%lyse.net
303 0.30%kabel-deutschland.de
301 0.28%ip-192-99-37.net
221 0.27%223.93
259815.42%[not listed: 235 organisations]

Request Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Weekly Report | Daily Summary | Domain Report | Organisation Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs%byteslast timefile
1334 2.94%24/Mar/24 04:20/
993 5.88%23/Mar/24 16:31/defaultlogo.jpg
413 4.05%23/Mar/24 17:27/lytebox.js
405 0.74%23/Mar/24 21:06/lytebox.css
383 0.58%23/Mar/24 21:06/fhstyle.css
14812.11%24/Mar/24 03:25/_nameindex.html
66 0.05%24/Mar/24 03:25/_contact.html
55 0.13%24/Mar/24 03:25/index_html.html
51 0.11%24/Mar/24 03:25/fam520.html
43 0.13%24/Mar/24 03:25/toc3.html
42 0.03%24/Mar/24 03:25/_statistics.html
39 0.12%24/Mar/24 03:25/fam1.html
38 0.20%24/Mar/24 03:25/fam595.html
36 0.14%24/Mar/24 03:13/fam272.html
32 0.05%22/Mar/24 15:18/fam711.html
30 0.04%23/Mar/24 17:26/fam677.html
29 0.03%23/Mar/24 22:22/ind3165.html
29 0.03%20/Mar/24 20:32/ind2709.html
27 0.04%20/Mar/24 09:55/fam49.html
27 0.04%22/Mar/24 20:24/fam1055.html
26 0.03%22/Mar/24 01:50/fam952.html
26 0.02%20/Mar/24 20:39/ind3023.html
25 0.04%21/Mar/24 21:21/fam82.html
25 0.07%23/Mar/24 13:55/fam409.html
24 0.03%22/Mar/24 21:26/fam1059.html
24 0.03%22/Mar/24 06:51/fam903.html
24 0.04%21/Mar/24 19:05/fam742.html
24 0.10%21/Mar/24 11:28/fam3.html
24 0.02%21/Mar/24 16:24/ind2153.html
24 0.02%19/Mar/24 08:32/ind3039.html
24 0.03%23/Mar/24 21:27/fam851.html
24 0.03%23/Mar/24 19:02/fam174.html
23 0.06%22/Mar/24 07:23/fam447.html
23 0.07%21/Mar/24 07:31/fam483.html
23 0.03%23/Mar/24 17:31/fam847.html
23 0.02%23/Mar/24 04:54/ind1584.html
23 0.04%20/Mar/24 20:38/fam664.html
23 0.10%23/Mar/24 07:18/fam2.html
22 0.03%23/Mar/24 22:07/fam608.html
22 0.11%20/Mar/24 20:32/fam521.html
22 0.13%23/Mar/24 20:41/fam271.html
22 0.06%20/Mar/24 14:03/fam99.html
22 0.04%23/Mar/24 19:30/fam275.html
22 0.02%21/Mar/24 13:30/ind1514.html
22 0.03%22/Mar/24 11:20/fam1019.html
21 0.09%21/Mar/24 18:16/fam517.html
21 0.02%21/Mar/24 22:18/ind2732.html
21 0.03%23/Mar/24 15:04/fam308.html
21 0.02%20/Mar/24 23:52/ind3041.html
21 0.04%19/Mar/24 19:22/fam118.html
21 0.03%22/Mar/24 18:37/fam883.html
21 0.03%21/Mar/24 21:07/fam931.html
21 0.02%23/Mar/24 21:17/ind3073.html
21 0.02%20/Mar/24 14:05/ind1166.html
21 0.05%22/Mar/24 05:52/fam865.html
21 0.02%20/Mar/24 12:14/ind2512.html
21 0.02%23/Mar/24 02:58/ind873.html
21 0.04%24/Mar/24 02:29/fam385.html
21 0.03%23/Mar/24 03:11/fam803.html
21 0.04%19/Mar/24 09:21/fam282.html
21 0.03%22/Mar/24 11:33/fam764.html
20 0.02%20/Mar/24 20:33/ind3032.html
20 0.03%21/Mar/24 12:47/ind1521.html
20 0.04%22/Mar/24 15:58/fam109.html
20 0.02%21/Mar/24 00:04/ind3192.html
20 0.03%23/Mar/24 22:24/fam929.html
20 0.04%24/Mar/24 03:46/fam178.html
20 0.02%23/Mar/24 08:19/ind2088.html
20 0.02%19/Mar/24 01:47/ind3194.html
20 0.02%21/Mar/24 10:15/ind3072.html
20 0.02%24/Mar/24 04:23/ind2179.html
20 0.02%21/Mar/24 13:09/ind2631.html
20 0.02%20/Mar/24 20:31/ind2647.html
20 0.03%19/Mar/24 23:25/fam490.html
20 0.02%23/Mar/24 07:26/ind58.html
20 0.02%22/Mar/24 21:36/ind1834.html
20 0.04%20/Mar/24 20:29/fam353.html
20 0.02%21/Mar/24 21:19/fam336.html
20 0.02%23/Mar/24 21:36/ind2387.html
20 0.02%19/Mar/24 13:42/ind3066.html
20 0.06%23/Mar/24 18:22/fam643.html
20 0.04%22/Mar/24 00:31/fam784.html
20 0.02%22/Mar/24 17:59/ind2520.html
20 0.02%21/Mar/24 12:47/ind1522.html
20 0.06%20/Mar/24 20:37/fam612.html
20 0.02%21/Mar/24 23:58/ind257.html
20 0.02%20/Mar/24 20:35/ind617.html
20 0.04%22/Mar/24 15:32/fam1063.html
20 0.03%20/Mar/24 19:19/fam484.html
20 0.03%21/Mar/24 13:36/fam204.html
20 0.06%22/Mar/24 04:32/fam539.html
20 0.02%22/Mar/24 17:39/ind686.html
20 0.03%24/Mar/24 03:13/fam755.html
20 0.03%22/Mar/24 11:35/fam223.html
20 0.03%22/Mar/24 15:55/fam788.html
20 0.03%23/Mar/24 06:36/fam151.html
20 0.03%20/Mar/24 14:00/fam83.html
20 0.02%21/Mar/24 10:30/ind957.html
20 0.02%21/Mar/24 07:36/ind2100.html
20 0.03%24/Mar/24 03:24/fam419.html
20 0.04%20/Mar/24 13:58/fam710.html
20 0.03%23/Mar/24 04:41/fam618.html
20 0.03%21/Mar/24 05:35/fam122.html
20 0.02%22/Mar/24 20:46/ind659.html
20 0.02%22/Mar/24 08:52/ind2794.html
20 0.02%23/Mar/24 20:36/ind2190.html
20 0.02%24/Mar/24 03:08/ind2849.html
20 0.02%22/Mar/24 01:33/ind2727.html
20 0.02%22/Mar/24 01:05/ind2688.html
3326769.46%24/Mar/24 04:17[not listed: 2,321 files]